Pflege Digital Zwei Punkt Null

Digital-interactive training of nursing staff with a migration background 2.0

In order to ensure high-quality nursing and healthcare and to protect patients, communication between nursing and healthcare professionals and between them and patients should be as clear as possible. The effective teaching of nursing skills and language skills therefore plays a key role in professional integration. This is where we, the Department of Media Technology at HAW Hamburg in cooperation with Knappschaft Kliniken GmbH, want to make a significant contribution with our ‘PflegeDigital 2.0’ project, which is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Health from 2020 to 2023.

The aim of the project is to develop and evaluate a practical, multilingual and fully digital modular solution for the interactive learning of elementary, practical and examination-relevant nursing action processes with subsequent training of selected processes in virtual reality. The solution can be used both in preparation for and alongside face-to-face teaching and is aimed in particular at trainees, learners and students with a migration background in nursing assistant training and vocational and academic nursing training as well as nursing staff who need to have their examinations obtained abroad recognised via an equivalence examination.

This is also an effective self-learning tool with regard to recruiting skilled workers from abroad, which gives this group of people the opportunity to learn the procedures and technical language of the German care system while they are still abroad, regardless of time and place. The tool can also be used in care facilities to support new team members with and without a migration background in familiarising themselves with procedures and technical terms.

Project duration: January 2020 – December 2023
